
  • android app cannot connect to internet

    To allow your custom app to connect to the internet, add the following in your AndroidManifest.xml file right before (outside) the application tag. Continue reading

  • JQuery Grid Themes

    Useful links to JQuery grids utilizing (mostly) standard UI themes and/or very little code. Google! Datatables.Net: Ke-Cai: Trirand: Stackoverflow: Continue reading

  • JQuery and Partial Postbacks

    I recently came across an issue where JQuery bindings no longer functioned after a partial postback and stumbled upon some code that was helpful in most cases. Javascript (JQuery): And alternatively.. This code will not always work however, as was… Continue reading

  • Net Neutrality

    With the recent release this winter of the movie Tron: Legacy, I only saw it fitting to contrast some of the conflicting nature in the “Net Neutrality” bill that was recently passed by the FCC with the themes prevalent in… Continue reading

  • Thoughts on Wikileaks

    Prior to the recent major events surrounding the release of 250k classified documents by Wikileaks on Julian Assange authority, I had browsed Wikileaks and discovered rarely any information that provided anything more than “tabloid style” unverified references as proof of… Continue reading